HE, who blessed us with the flourished lives, always protects us with thorny ways and heated waves, ever ready to rain his inevitable love. He listens when there is no ear for us, penetrates hope when world paints hopelessness around.
He is a creator who cannot bear any anguish of his creation. Like a painter who never tends to tolerate his art lying in puddle despite of being least favorite. He never gets detach with his men like a gardener who never ponders to live without his fully brought up trees.
 He is the master but never proves us slaves; he is omnipotent but never sketches arrogance. He is indeed almighty, magnificent, miraculous and merciful and is always meticulous about his formations.
But still despite of knowing the fact of being loved and over protected 24/7 why our souls are restless although we have all the luxuries, why we can’t be happy if we have limited stock, why we are just living a life despite of enjoying it? Why we never find pleasure in any work? Why is the soul not satisfied?
There is only one answer of all these questions and the answer is hidden in the name of “GOD”, let’s face the fact that we forgot the one who blessed us with everything. Being selfish and self-centered we only knock god’s door when we are in genuine tribulation or when the misfortune has grips us so tightly that there is no way out. This proves that we are far from our lord and we don’t realize it
Here is 15 minutes work to do list which would make you 50 times closer to your lord;
Start your day with his name
It’s simple enough; it takes 2 minutes to say morning prayers. Let’s all of us shine our morning with the pious and precious name of God and then see how beautifully he will enchant your day.

Count 10 blessings daily
This three minutes activity may be found ridiculous and childish but it works most effectively. God encircled us with innumerable blessings and we never get bother of it. Start it with your body, having hand and legs are the biggest privilege, healthy body and appropriate respiratory system is one of the mercies of lord but we never count it. imagine what if we don’t have these things in order.

See mirror and praise Him
One minute practice would made you fallen in love with the creator; he who creates you, protects you in mother’s womb, craft and sketch your face, made you beautiful and charismatic. He should to be praised for this .

See the nature with vivid angle
Walking on the way or sitting in park; greenery, birds, weather, snow, rain would never let you be alone. Nature is like meditation; it tends to console us and preserve tranquility. Hence, It has all divine qualities so that it is completely relatable to God. Feel, sense and explore God through nature
Do one thing per day on the name of God
Aid poor or sympathize with innocent, vanish someone’s weep or make depressed one laugh, blow, the wind of love by passing smile or by miniature gifting. Do all good but before doing say it in your heart, “This is for you God”. Sooner, this preaching will makeyou more closer to lord. 

Read holy book once a day
Take your smart phone out and install Holy book or other guiding scripture or any other application which would let you walk all the way to God. Read it for 5 to 10 minutes to get the absolute path and righteous direction.

End your day with the name of God
A peaceful sleep is the “most wanted product” in the main stream. People in search of tranquility reach medicos but unable to get rid of “restlessness”. For the healthy sleep,  curtain down your day, with the name of God, think of the blessings  and immense love for you and cherish a peaceful night.


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