Qavi Played Best in Ruining Mufti's Title

Involvement of MUFTI QAVI in Qandeel Baloch’s murder case blows trillion questions among Muslim community.

Qandeel’s Murder case doesn’t only encloses the darker human side which ought to be lightening up but also evokes burst lots questions and doubts in our mind.

  • Playing with the Title Mufti Is Agonizing;

From the beginning till the end of “Qandeel’s Qatal case”, one word gives me goose bumps, the weird sensation, left me with lots of question and queries turned me shaken and shocked. The term or word is “Mufti”, the pious title, hard to achieve, tough to own, precious to Islamic society. But still in this society, those peeps exist who wear this title but only as per vanity. They wear the crown full of precious gems and jewels but how awful! They are unaware of its worth.
Firstly, how a person could disgrace with the term “Mufti”. As per definition of this term;
 “A Muslim’s legal expert who is empowered to give ruling on religious matters”.
 So, why did Mufti Qavi fail to preserve the honor of this title? As clergyman, why he wasn’t rescue himself although he was supposed to rescue the society for immorality but Alas!

  • Cleric should not practice lie;

Another question arises, being religious scholar, the great title holder, the (former) member of Royat e hilal committee, why cleric didn’t realize that lie is the deadly sin, key to all sins. He lied perpetually and then in the end, went through lie detector. Why from the beginning till the end, he present the story with the topping of lie.
  • What about the concept of apology?

Next, why didn’t he turn apologetic, when the Pandora box was on burst?  As we expect this to every moralistic man. “Accept if you made a mistake”, apologize
  • How could he forget the foremost preaching?

And the shrieking thought wanders in the mind, that, as the religious scholar and the worthiest title holder, how he could forget Quran’s saying,
“Whoever kills a person (unjustly) is as though he has killed all mankind” (Quran, 5:32)
Are others like him? No please…

And the most frequent question pinches me all the time after this case that we just only met with one character (Mufti Qavi) and how many personas are undercover, we can’t even guess.
Trust me! Such characters doesn’t only weaken the image of society but also torment and resent the followers by their dual evil face personality.

Looking forward to your opinions on the prevailing issue.


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