Top to Bottom, Here is all about "Black Friday"
- Passionate masses lined in elongated queues outside the renowned brands’ outlets, turn me envious and curious now a days. It’s good to know that the men of society are reaching up and high, resultant, upgraded purchasing power.
But wait! Hold your horses, it’s not only the purchasing strength
but the vital role is played but the old- new triggering strategy, the stink-
bomb in the market, the bazar booster
“The Black Friday”
Black Friday sale pay
every one wanna go
but do you know what is it really?
Actually, The blow of black Friday begins with the end of
forth Thursday of November.
Christain around the globe celebrates “the fourth Thursday of
November (especially in U.S and Canada) as “thanksgiving”, where, masses pay their gratitude to
God and cherish the blessings of harvest and preceding year.
The very next day is regarded
as “the
shopping day for Christian and Christmas”.
It is said that this norm came out from U S trends in around 1952 where all the retailers, brands, traders announced
the fat-
flat sale on their products to display the fete and festivity of Christmas.
As per presenting
immense gratitude on occasion, the sellers opened their shop early morning and
closed it last night.
From that day till today most of the people around the globe (especially
in U.S) are following this tradition and making it trendy.
But why this day has such a negative connotation?
“Why it’s called as “black
Let’s turn back to 19th
century, the term was coined by Philadelphia police department, who
were enraged with the hullabaloo and turmoil on the road due to the sale,after thanksgiving,on friday.
when the storm of masses had headed towards bazars then worst jam- pack was visualized.
when the storm of masses had headed towards bazars then worst jam- pack was visualized.
On that day, the police and media lashed out and labeled it with “black Friday”For sure that day had been horrendously bleak-black for the police and administrative government.
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