Ladies! Let’s make some notes before it comes to you

The recent representation of brutality, cruelty, and savagery rather inhumanity at Kasur (Pakistan) didn’t only rash social media but also developed the state of catharsis across the nation.
Let’s face the fact, that due to the ruthless tragedy at Kasur, Security of an individual (especially women) is on risk. Now, a father would think twice before leaving his daughter all alone. The mother would think for a day to make a decision for her butterfly’s flight.  Now the relative would think trillion times before taking responsibility of any body’s daughter.
Despite of the fact that the government is responsible for the security of an individual but still we need to understand that our state has been failed in even creating the trance of security among women.
Due to upturn rate of rape, molest, assault, harass and women abuse in Pakistan and other 3rd world countries, not only the sense of uncertainty rules our daises but the sense of fragility; frailty and diffidence lock them up.
Now, the question arises, what is the way to guard you from such devils around?  How women could make themselves secure? How a woman could be her own security guard?

And here are the tips to it;
1.       Be aggressive while walking out
No more looks girls! Just turn aggressive, harsh, rude, impolite, and offensive while leaving the house or work place. It would surely be helpful in diminishing the chances of harassment and abuse.
2.       Get yourself registered in Judo, karate class
Dear butterflies, if you want a secure high flight ahead, you need to get registered there.
 Yes, right there, in Judo- karate class.  

3.       Have some red chili powder aside
Oh yeah! The smart weapon… just have red chilli powder in a mini-box and make a chill around.
Hope it’s clear! 

4.       Knife in bag is the smart choice
I am not giving you the idea of killing someone, have a knife to make your self-guarded.

5.       Ought to know the art of yell, roar & thunder aloud
Be loud, as loud as you can.  If someone gives you a bad touch or harassed you then you should know how to shriek, yell, and roar to get a smart-violent gathering.

6.       Speed dial to help line, police, rangers, rescue team
Don’t forget to have rangers, police or rescue team number on your speed dial


7.        Woman “Yes” to woman strategy
 Just join the camp, join the hands before it comes to you. No matter, which lady was the victim, but the matter is why “lady” was the victim.  

8.       Spread awareness among daisies
Train your daughters, sisters and friends to respond against this filth. Give them the confidence and strength to fight with this social creep.

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It’s all about commoners.


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