
Showing posts from 2018

This girl dared to walk out a night before eid and her experience is just hilarious

So the bakra eid season is in full swing, there is a hustle and bustle because of ‘Eid. Since 1st dulhajj, raoming in the city is not less than an adventure, from goat to camel any kind of animal to be slaughter is available. Every one experience some unusuals in Bakra eid season so here I am gonna share my experience too. Tuesday night, august 21, 9:00 pm. I and my mom took a risk and went out to get our duppta pikko done from the nearest pikko shop. The moment we stepped out, saw a lamb whose fur was being trimmed by our neighbour. While heading towards the pikko shop, gobar smell was in full swing. In the midst of manure fragrance, we encountered a chaarpaii enclosed with two huge black buffaloes on which boys were having the best part of the year. Upon reaching the pikko shop (waiting for our turn), there we saw no of guys working hard to fasten their cow’s metabolism by forcing them to run. The area was resonating from cow’s payal, ghungros (jewelry) and laughter of boys.

"This unique election campaign idea" by PTI and ladies are catching it up too seriously

These days Pakistan is facing some serious political strains. Elections and campaigns by the political parties are shrieking the grounds. Best of the political deals are provided, immense sincerities are showcased even some new classy campaign ideas are chanting bang bang effect and masses are actually getting serious. Recently, PTI came up with the new, classy and enchanting idea by which masses more specifically ladies shout out. The Insafian offically launched vibrant, digital Kurti collection, which swiftly came in the lime-light. It turned as the chat of the week and our town ladies are too excited for it. These PTI-election campaign kurtis are designed for PTI lovers, workers, supporters and voters. The vibrant, chilly colors along with the digital print doesn't only lure the young and old daisies and more profoundly the embossed picture of their leader "Imran Khan" made them captivated and excited. People are constantly gearing up to catch this new tr

5 things you should know before watching Sanju

"Sanju" is turning as one of the biggest blockbusters with the finnest caricature, along with incredible cast and the magnificent direction. Hence, in every dimension, this movie stands out. Masses around the globe are reaching to cinema to watch "Sanju". But there are some "should know" things about the movie, which you need to mark before buying a pass. 1) It's depressing; Oh yeah! Its damn depressing. You may feel the pain and will face anxiety while watching the movie. As the movie Mainly focuses on the tormenting eras of Sanju Baba. 2) It rarely made you laugh Rare, very rare! you will laugh. The movie has least laughing roars. You may fine some pleasurable moments, but laughters are hard to find. 3) Your cheeks will be wet of tears So if you are an emotional person then yes, you will not bear the pain. How worst Sanju suffered when he was addicted of drugs, and how deadly his life was, when his mother left him. And then h

This girl wasn't entertained by the Salon just because of her Wheel chair, and its nothing but terrible.

Meet Amna, whose aims won't be trapped by her wheel chair, Amna even doesn't care of her feets because she has wings to fly. A lady with determination and high-dreams, who never regret over her disability. But recently, her confidence was badly smashed by a Salon in Karachi, near K.D.A, where she was not entertained just because of her affiliation with a wheel chair.  Here is the story, she posted on twitter.  No humanity, not even silver lining, Here, she unveiled the Salon name and her purest intention was chirping in this post. And she is too right here. My take;  well played Rejuve, you beautifully broke a delicate heart and cheerfully choked someone self-esteem and confidence.  May you have many more. #karma

Imran and his wife's recent picture was badly trolled on internet. Here is the pic

Imran Khan is considered as one of the most admirable politicians in Pakistan. There is the certain level of romance found between Pakistanis and I.K. From his youth till date, from cricket to politics, from Jemaima to Bushra Mengal, hence in every phase of Imran's life, people stood next to him. Its rare, when we found people trolling over Imran Khan.  But This time, only one picture of Imran and his wife Bushra broke the records. Imran khan recently went to Saudi Arabia for Umrah. His 3rd wife also acompanied him. But unfortunately somebody clicked their picture and Pakistani lost their control. Without any further delay, here is the picture. Trillions of critical comments are skimming over social media with regards to this picture and here are some; Whats your comment on this?? My take; "go and get your life, live and let others live"

Amir Liaquat tweet over Reham's name and twitterwaly burst out of laugh

PTI would be grateful of the moment when Amir Liaquat joined the party. As he always proves to be the saviour for the party, which he joimed.  When Hamza Ali Abbasi alone has been constantly bumping up the book issue in the market, another PTI supporter, the "charb zaban", Amir bhai came with his sword, poisoned with sarcasm and simply nailed it. He ridiculed, mocked, defamed and fungused Reham's name by unveiling its etymology. His "waar" was just with a single tweet by was too powerful than sword. His one small tweet and the little blue birds got insane with giggle and laughters. The tweet is self-explanatory and enough nasty too. And here it is,  Ok, so, umm, speechless me!

Hazrat Ali preached the best of justice few hours before his farewell from world and we need to amend our notes

His name never requires introduction, his traits never wishes glorification, his acts doesn't need justification and his words never begs for inspiration. He was, is and will always be elevated like his name, his soul enjoys supremacy like his kuniyat "Abu turab".  Turn the pages of history and you would find him the best in  wisdom, his quotes the remarkable, his modesty on the height, his love for humanity on the peak and his love and submission towards prophet and God was on the par excellence level. Indeed all these discussed and thousand hidden traits made the persona “ALI” in Arabic means “the high, elevated, exalted one” The nephew of Muhammad, the 4th khaleefa, Imam Ali had always stood next to Muhammad (S.A.W.W). He was the reasons behind the victory of many battles like "Khaibar" but never announced his triumph, but when the poisoned sword smashed over Ali's head while he was in prostration, he gratefully said,  "By the l

Here is the will of Hazrat ALI to Muslim Umah, A path leading to Jannah

Hazarat ALI karam ullah wajho is one of the most iconic figure in the history of Muslim world, maulood e kaaba , nephew of the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ( S.A.W.W), the youngest supporter of islam, the son in law of Prophet, “the gate of knowledge”, the owner of Zulfiqar,   the hero of Gazwah e Badr, the ultimate   conqueror of Jang e Khaibr , Sher e khuda (lion of God), 4 th caliph and many more titles, traits and quotes are fail to touch his level of glory. No pen has power to utter his achievements and no tongue is blessed to define his charisma, his adroit moves for unity and harmony, his love for Prophet and his submission for God. But in his regime, he was assassinated by “Abdullah ibne Muljim” who dared to attempt a bloody sin, the worst ploy, the notorious act of killing hazrat   ALI (R.A). It was the dawn of 19 th Ramadan when he was in prostration, submitting himself in front of Allah, an abhorrent, the real life villain, attacked him with the sword full o

These hate speeches my mom delivered, when i re-watched Pyary Afzal

The famous romantic rather tragic drama serial "Pyary Afzal" never requires any introduction. It owns the highest TRP rate among the Pakistani dramas and enjoys the Supreme stature with regards to script. Credit goes to "Khalil ul Rehman" I recently re-watched this epic drama to cherish those delightful, giggly, sarcastic, lovable scene but unfortunately all my passion was stabbed and all my love for this drama went in vain, when my mum entered in between the scene. Her critical eye is always open, rather zoomed in. She watched it for two minutes and in the fraction of third minute, she bombarded the spear of sarcasm over this super-duper hit serial. Here are her ironical, pinchy, deadly hilarious, desi comments which choked my love for "Pyary Afzal" and after reading this, Yours too! She started with "kitna wahiyat drama hai" and then moved on 1) "Sub Maa Baap ki behissi hai, unhi ka qasoor hai" She uttered when s

7 signs prove that you a true "Briyani lover"

Briyani is one of the most adorable and preferable dishes of Indo-pak. It does possess a rich history but its "present" is much more glorious than past. Over the passage of time, love for briyani went too viral and people gone crazy for it. From special occasions to the permanent departure, from happiness to sadism, from glee to glommy hence every where "true briyani lover" found their place. We have noticed certain signs in the passionate, desperate "Briyani lovers" which prove their sincerity and loyalty from a plate of Briyani. And here is the list, 1) Briyani reserves all your mode swing rights Hayeeee! Gussa ho ya gham, just a plate of briyani and mu band. 2) Briyani owns a permanant residence in your tummy Don't you dare to say "himmat hai briyani khani ki" to a briyani lover. They have permanant residence in their heart and tummy for it. 3) Briyani lovers are too bothered about food association Han bhaeee Bri