5 things you should know before watching Sanju

"Sanju" is turning as one of the biggest blockbusters with the finnest caricature, along with incredible cast and the magnificent direction. Hence, in every dimension, this movie stands out.

Masses around the globe are reaching to cinema to watch "Sanju". But there are some "should know" things about the movie, which you need to mark before buying a pass.

1) It's depressing;

Oh yeah! Its damn depressing. You may feel the pain and will face anxiety while watching the movie.
As the movie Mainly focuses on the tormenting eras of Sanju Baba.

2) It rarely made you laugh

Rare, very rare! you will laugh. The movie has least laughing roars. You may fine some pleasurable moments, but laughters are hard to find.

3) Your cheeks will be wet of tears

So if you are an emotional person then yes, you will not bear the pain. How worst Sanju suffered when he was addicted of drugs, and how deadly his life was, when his mother left him. And then his father. Hence, there were the series of sufferings dwelling around the reel.

You may meet trillions of corners where you cry while watching "Sanju".

4) No "as such" songs or dance;

If you think, you will get some yummy songs and dance shance, then you are in dream baby. This movie is too serious thou.

5) Its more about Sunil Dutt;

Amazed! You must be, but its true,  that the movie roams around Sunil Dutt. He is the most powerful character and the true protagonist in the movie rather Sanjay Dutt. You may feel pity and may get inspired with Sanju baba but you will surely give your heart to his father, the real hero.

Hope you will agree with the points after watching "Sanju"

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