Hazrat Ali preached the best of justice few hours before his farewell from world and we need to amend our notes

His name never requires introduction, his traits never wishes glorification, his acts doesn't need justification and his words never begs for inspiration. He was, is and will always be elevated like his name, his soul enjoys supremacy like his kuniyat "Abu turab". 

Turn the pages of history and you would find him the best in  wisdom, his quotes the remarkable, his modesty on the height, his love for humanity on the peak and his love and submission towards prophet and God was on the par excellence level. Indeed all these discussed and thousand hidden traits made the persona “ALI” in Arabic means “the high, elevated, exalted one”

The nephew of Muhammad, the 4th khaleefa, Imam Ali had always stood next to Muhammad (S.A.W.W). He was the reasons behind the victory of many battles like "Khaibar" but never announced his triumph, but when the poisoned sword smashed over Ali's head while he was in prostration, he gratefully said,

 "By the lord of the Kabaa, i have succeed it"

He was at his worst, full in wounds and blood. When some muslim saw, caught and beaten the murderer Abdur Rehman Ibnw muljim.

Sooner the time came, when Ali was on the death bed, and the perpetrator, the sinner, the most culprit "Ibne Muljim was in front of him but chained. The enraged  ummah was all set to take revenge but 
on the bed of death, Hazrat Ali (R.A) didn't forget to preach and guide Muslims. He maintained and set the utmost example of impartiality, patience, wit and justice, where he stated to his sons that;

 "O sons of `Abd al-Muttalib, certainly I do not wish to see you plunging harshly into the blood of Muslims shouting "Amir al-mu'minin has been killed." Beware; do not kill on account of me except my killer.
he further added;
Wait till I die by his (Ibn Muljam's) existing stroke. Then strike him one stroke for his stroke and do not dismember the limbs of the man, for I have heard the Messenger of Allah (S) saying, "Avoid cutting limbs even though it may be a rabid dog."
(ref; letter47, Nahjul Balagha (peak of eloquence)


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