The struggle of polio entangled Pakistan…..

Pakistan has survived huge challenges in eradicating the lethal virus “the Polio Virus” and still struggling. Pakistan is one of those three remaining countries where polio virus is dysfuntioning precious lives, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria. Since forever Poliomyelitis has been stabbing Pakistan, paralyzing worthy dreams, depriving them to aspire and to spread their wings in the real world. WHO, UNICEF, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are some crucial organization that have been systemically contributing to eradicate Polio Virus from Pakistan. Battle against polio was first started in early 1990s when around 20000 Poliomyelitis cases were reported. Cases reported in such huge figure was nothing but an alarming threat for the entire nation. Through potential efforts of government and numerous health care organizations, situation was taken under control. Evident decline in virus transmission was observed for over  years until in 2011, when the highest number of polio cases were reported again. Consequently, emergency had been declared by the Government which led to potential decline in virus transmission. Despite declaring emergency against polio virus, still in 2019 few cases have been reported. Through door to door OPV (oral polio vaccine) campaign this problem has been overcome to higher extent. Government also facilitates locals by providing IPV (inactivated polio virus) shots at nearest health care centers. Besides Government effort to ensure complete removal of polio, we as a nation should also take a stand to secure our future generation. In past few years, numerous cases were highlighted where Polio health visitors were being threatened to death, Female health visitors went through harassment, sexual violation, civilians were not cooperating with volunteers. Numerous misconceptions circulate across Pakistan over polio vaccination, causing major hurdles in getting rid of polio from Pakistan.
There is a group of believers exists in Pakistan who consider vaccination Haram (misdeed). As per their belief, Allah (God) has written every one’s fate how come a vaccine may secure them from any mishappenings of future.Another rumor had been spread against OPV campaign, that these vaccine may lead to infertility, upon exposure, as that was a US made agenda to decline the Muslim Population.
Those misconception led to the onset of more paralysis in certain areas of Pakistan. Through educating them constantly in this regard, it was made possible to progress vaccination in those areas. Through educating numerous people, it has become possible that within the time span of four years FATA has been declared as polio free region, this is a huge milestone in Pakistan’s history of fighting against polio virus. Pakistan has systemically loosen the polio ropes tied around it but still yet to cover long journey for absolute removal of it. Despite all the hurdles, Pakistan is near to eradicate poliomyelitis completely.
 Numerous positive approaches have seen by local like allowing to make their house a polio station, cooperating with health visitors, people visiting health camps to get their child vaccinated. Let’s hold each other’s hand and make Pakistan poliomyelitis free, our combine effort as a nation can make significant difference.Let’s contribute our part to unwind the polio ropes in which Pakistan has been entangled for so long.


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